16 06, 2017

Memorial Garden

2019-08-29T23:38:22+00:00Categories: Announcements|

The latest pew sheet as been added with details of this weeks services and events


The new Memorial Garden was blessed and dedicated by the Bishop of Richborough on 30th April 2017 and is now available for the interment of cremated remains.  If you would like to arrange the burial of some […]

10 12, 2016

Christmas at St Mary’s

2019-08-28T13:46:44+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Christmas Services at St Mary’s


Details of all the carol services taking place at St Mary’s during December can be found under the events tab on the calendar for the month.


Services on Christmas Eve

09.00 Morning Prayer

16.00 Crib Service

17.00 Evening Prayer

23.30 Midnight Mass


Services on Christmas Day

08.00 Holy Communion (1662)

09.00 Morning Prayer

10.00 Sung Mass

6 04, 2015

Question Time – Burnham Style

2019-08-27T12:37:20+00:00Categories: Announcements|

The Churches Together in Burham-on-Crouch are organising a husting event at St Mary’s Church on Friday 17th April from 19.00. The event will be an opportunity to meet with local parliamentary candidates and to hear them answer questions submitted by local residents.


The Hustings Chairman needs to have received all questions by 17.00 on Thursday 16th […]

19 09, 2014

Horse Chestnut Trees

2019-08-24T10:32:50+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Sadly the fine avenue of Horse Chestnut trees has had to be felled. All the trees were diseased, some very badly, and those who looked closely would have seen the increasing number of bare branches which had appeared over the last few years. Following proffessional advice, it was clear that some of the trees had […]

13 04, 2014

Holy Week and Easter

2019-08-24T09:27:56+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Please find the details of all the special services taking place during Holy Week and Easter. 


I hope you will be able to join us as we keep this special week which lies at the heart of our faith in Jesus Christ.


Mon 14th  Monday of Holy Week


08.30        Morning Prayer

19.30        Vespers

20.00        Mass and Reflection


Tue 15th    Tuesday […]

5 03, 2014

Ash Wednesday

2019-08-24T09:09:41+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Services for Ash Wednesday


08.30 Morning Prayer

09.30 Mass with imposition of ashes

10.30 Edward Bear Club

14.15 School Service with imposition of ashes

19.00 Vespers

19.30 Sung Mass with imposition of ashes

23 12, 2013

Christmas Eve

2019-08-22T18:44:53+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Service for Christmas Eve

08.30 Morning Prayer

09.00 Mass for Christmas Eve

17.00 Crib Service – family friendly service telling the Christmas story in a fun and interactive way!

23.30 Midnight Mass

At 10.00 we will be decorating the Christmas Tree in Church. You are welcome to come along and help as we prepare for the great feast of the […]

8 12, 2012

Church on a Saturday!

2019-08-22T13:38:37+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Join us for a Sunday morning service, on a Saturday evening!

From the beginning of December we have been holding a Mass at 6pm on the saturday evening for those people who find that some or all of their Sundays get complicated with family commitments. The service takes the same format as the Sunday morning one […]

21 07, 2012

Our Website

2019-08-22T11:55:43+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Thanks for visiting our new website!

We thought it was time to get ourselves a website. Here we’ll keep you up to date with all the latest news and events here at St Mary’s. We’ll also be adding to our gallery regularly to show what we have been up to.

Check checking back!

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